Activity log
Overview of recent activities in your poll.
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04/01/2024, 8:12am
Jérôme DURAND (EARV-USAC) voted in your opinion poll.
03/19/2024, 5:07pm
Yannick Gentil voted in your opinion poll.
03/15/2024, 11:59pm
The vote of DARMAN Christelle (Nac) has been deleted from your opinion poll.
03/14/2024, 1:58pm
Dagobert Resneau voted in your opinion poll.
03/11/2024, 9:43am
cussac yann changed his/her name to cussac yann ( cac) and updated his/her vote in your opinion poll.
03/11/2024, 9:42am
cussac yann voted in your opinion poll.
03/05/2024, 11:38am
Ben Salah-Escharavil Ingrid voted in your opinion poll.
02/25/2024, 2:45am
GROS-BRENAS CHEM voted in your opinion poll.
02/22/2024, 12:14am
SABATIER Pierre (ASAD) voted in your opinion poll.
02/20/2024, 2:10am
Laurence ROUSSEAU voted in your opinion poll.
02/18/2024, 1:13pm
The vote of LEGENDRE Ellie (Earv) has been deleted from your opinion poll.
02/18/2024, 1:13pm
The vote of SAHUC Gilles (Earv) has been deleted from your opinion poll.
02/16/2024, 11:39am
Mathilde POURAT (CSG ATHLE) voted in your opinion poll.
02/16/2024, 3:21am
The vote of AUBERT Patrice (Dac ) has been deleted from your opinion poll.
02/16/2024, 3:20am
The vote of AUBERT Patrice (Dac ) has been updated in your opinion poll.