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Tony Robinson· 3 years ago
Did not know Joe Biden followed our league, maybe we can get him to throw out the first pitch to start next season, or maybe even Kamala Harris next time she's in town reconnecting with her Westmount crew.
Joe Biden· 3 years ago
Sorry for your loss Michel... Finally that racist Trump is out of office...
David yim· 3 years ago
in a normal season, this saturday would have been our Banquet night!! Hopefully we can have oine next year
Michel Laterreur· 4 years ago
I do understand the topic John. The point that I was making and Joe was making as well and even Tony Robinson was making which seems you are not getting is that if the pitcher wants to give a walk he can without having to tell him to go to first. Before you join the league we use to pitch 4 balls completely out side like they do in the major leagues with the catcher was standing away from the batter. But we stop this at one of the AGM by adding the rule of just sending the batter to first to save time so we could complete our games as much as possible. That year we also put in that if you hit a foul ball when you have two strikes you are out. These rules were design to save time.
JB· 4 years ago
MICHEL me and Joe are talking about intentional walks, the differents between pitches to intentionaly walk a batter that can be 4 pitches against the backstop as Joe says... or your saying 4 pitches that hit the house behind the backstop😅 which makes no sense at all you mite aswell tell the batter to take a walk. or no pitches at all and telling the batter to take 1st base which to me is definitily an intentional in other words understand the topic of this conversation and it wont be completely usless in your opinion🤣... just saying
dd· 4 years ago
rules rules rules.... Tony Spensieri is right, if you want to put in a new rule,,, you have to remove one

Michel Laterreur· 4 years ago
If you had stealing throwing wild pitches to intentionally walk someone is a bad move if you have runners on base but we voted down the stealing so if the pitcher throw 4 pitches that hit the houses behind the backstop it won't matter. In my opinion this conversation is completely usless at this point the AGM is only next year October. What I hope for next year is to go back to the social activities of BBQ, banquets, family day, golf day, poker night, awards night and pool parties and for the beer drinkers a ice cold one. It's been since the end of July 2019 we haven't had a nice BBQ with the installing of the new lights and covid. So I wish we go back playing 30 games and have 16 teams and have a great summer. This is what is really inportant.
JB· 4 years ago
joe throwing 4 pitches against the backstop is one thing but pointing a to go to 1st base without one pitch is another..that is an intentional walk in my book
JB· 4 years ago
3 in one game and a couple more in other games
Joe· 4 years ago
JB it's a mute point, I can throw 4 pitches against the backstop and he gets the walk... whether i pitch 4 bad pitches or walk him intentionally, whats the difference? And according to the stats, Bob walked 4 times in 4 games.
JB· 4 years ago
I agree with Remo about the intentional walks, they should put it as a rule.
and Joe Remo is talking about intentional walks not pitch walks...come on Joe Ferraro was walked intentional a few times lol I dont think walked BOB ARGITIS Intentional at list five or more times in are playoff series
Joe· 4 years ago
Changing topics, anyone know someone with an RBQ number that does repairs?
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