Message board by Mind Stance .

Depression Awareness Month: Speak Your Story

This is an anonymous forum where all of us can come together and speak our stories without fear of being judged. Who knows, you may end up helping someone else too <3
Speak about your struggle against depression and/or any other mental health issue too (preferably depression)! The focus is to destigmatise and have an open conversation.
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111· 3 years ago
i just discovered this site and so happy to see such open convos around this topic. i have a depression story too but I haven't come to proper terms with it yet so I may not share it. butit is just so relieving to see how people are more accepting of it these days. great job with recovery everyone
anony1· 3 years ago
everyones stories sound very hard to deal with, so I'm very sad to hear them and I hope everyone gets better. i don't have a depression story or any mental illness story, but I came in to read some and I'm honestly so happy that I'm able to get a first person perspective on these coz its something we don't get to see and hear usually. take care everyone, it gets better I'm sure
frfr· 3 years ago
yes i actually agree, like i said i have not had depression but my friends did and I know that even for them the hardest part was accepting it to themselves and to me and our other friends as well. i think a big part of this thing is that once the diagnosis is there it is a huge label on you and you start to define yourself as a depressed person instead of a person with a depression. which doesn't seem huge but I think that's where the issue starts
aaA· 3 years ago
Going through depression is really hard on its own, but the hardest part for me, was accepting it. When I first got diagnosed I felt this weight on my heart like I'd done something to let my parents down. They thankfully were there for me every step of the journey to recover and helped me accept and overcome one of the biggest hardships in my life. Hopefully more people are aware that they aren't the only ones who go through things like this and that it is totally okay to not be okay.
frfr· 3 years ago
so i dont have a story or anything I haven't had depression but I have friends that have had it and I know that its majorly scary and not the best phase of you're life. people underestimate people that go through it so yeah we should collectively work toward making it a better place for depression patients
123· 3 years ago
so i actually got diagnosed when i shifted schools and this mag seem super trivial but it had a lastjng impact on me. the hardest part was that i had to not only try and fit in but also battle the depression :( theres not much i can talk about it specially since im still getting treatment but the stigma that comes with this is very real and overwhelming so this is a great initiative actually !!!!
anonymousisis· 3 years ago
its actually refreshing to see that it wasn't just me that went through stuff like this. for me depression kicked in when I least expected. it was a pretty good time in my life where everything seemed good like my grades, friendcircle and stuff and then my parents divorced all of a sudden its like I never saw it coming and thats I think when it started off. I'm still struggling with depression but glad to say its much better because there are so many organisations and resources to reach out. anyone else going through this id say that you're deffo not alone and there are resources for that exact reason ❤
bluejay· 3 years ago
i agree with xxx :) this anonymous thing is great
bluejay· 3 years ago
i think i had depression (undiagnosed) until the 9th grade. nit sure whern it started or anything and maybe it was a phase but I remember thinking I was depressed because my symptoms matched everything on the internet. nd I know self diagnosis is maybe not the best thing but I didn't wanna make a big deal of it so I just..hoped to get better I guess? i didn't do anything about it but those 2-3 years was lifeless.
xxx· 3 years ago
also i think this anonymous forum is so awesome simply because it enables people to openly talk and I think we need that.
xxx· 3 years ago
i was bullied in high school and that had a lasting impact on me until college. I'm currently in college and healing slowly, but the depression that comes with bullying is super scary and I don't wish that upon anyone. if anyone is going through that, please know that it gets better.