Message board by MentalHealthUnderCovid19.

Mental Health Under Covid-19

Use this message board to document how you found Covid-19 and the lockdown! How did you cope? What did you do? What do you think of the exhibit?
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Sleepy 24/7· 3 years ago
The whole lockdown i was tired and idek why, i didnt do anything but all i wanted to do was sleep. im still like that rn tbh
'Ever Given' Jr but this time in Kent's Canal · 3 years ago
So desperate for a change to occur in my life that I've somehow applied and become a river punter despite the fact that I can't row/punt. I hit a lot of walls and have formed an intimate understanding with the 'Ever Given' situation in the Suez Canal. Very cool exhibit though.
Anonymous· 3 years ago
cool exhibit, I got antidepressants :')